FAQ for Builders

  1. Where to access your app?

  1. Where to get test funds from?

You have two options:

  • 1) In the top right corner of the app there is a button that lets you request test funds.

  • 2) Contact one of the dbForest crew.

  1. Does it work with my Wallet ______ ?

  1. Where to find project documentation?

  • You can find it here

  1. What cloud resources do you offer?

  • We offer DBs (Postgres, MySql, Milvus), VMs (Ubuntu, Debian) and OrbisDB with Ceramic.

  1. How to contact dbForest crew?

  • Miko - you can find him IRL at the hackathon or message him on dbForest Discord (Miko.G) and Telegram (@mikkogg)

  • Muhammed - message him on dbForest Discord (@mkaramuk)

  • Danel - message him on dbForest Discord (@tribeofdanel)

  1. Can we keep on using the resources after the hackathon?

  • Yes, and it is encouraged! Keep on using your resources. Contact us if you want to go into production with your hackathon project.

  1. Where are the links to your social media?

Last updated